I don't need therapy i need to go to yoga

Yoga is the Best Therapy

Yoga is the Best Therapy

Design Description:
Shirt says: I dont need therapy. I just need to do YOGA. This shirt is perfect for every Yogis. Grab yours now!
Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of Yoga schools, practices, ...Yoga - Wikipedia

I don't need therapy i need to go to yoga
YOGA Is The Best Therapy
Yoga Science teaches us to 'include all and exclude none.' If the outer guru, in the form of a person or experience, reflects the Truth and light of the inner guru, the advice is to be heeded and served in thought, word and deed. If a suggestion from the outer guru is not in harmony with the inner guru as reflected by the purified discrimination of buddhi, the advice is to be honored and lovingly rejected with gratitude---for your teacher has just taught you what not to do. - Leonard Perlmutter

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